Different Types Of Sorting Algorithms
1) Exchange sorts :
1.1 Bubble sort
1.2 Cocktail sort
1.3 Odd-even sort
1.4 Comb sort
1.5 Gnome sort
1.6 Quick sort
2) Selection sorts :
2.1 Selection sort
2.2 Heapsort
2.3 Smoothsort
2.4 Cartesian tree sort
2.5 Tournament sort
2.6 Cycle sort
3) Insertion sorts :
3.1 Insertion sort
3.2 Shell sort
3.3 Tree sort
3.4 Library sort
3.5 Patience sort
4) Merge sorts :
4.1 Merge sort
4.2 Polyphase merge sort
4.3 Strand sort
4.4 Tim sort
5) Non-comparison sorts :
5.1 Radix sort
5.2 Bucket sort
5.3 Counting sort
5.4 Pigeon Hole sort
5.5 Burst sort
5.6 Bead sort
5.7 Bucket sort
6) Others :
6.1 Topological sorting
6.2 Sorting network
6.3 Bitonic sorter
6.4 Batcher odd-even mergesort
6.5 Pancake sorting
7) Ineffective/humorous sorts :
7.1 Bogo sort
7.2 Stooge sort
Hope that this list of sorting algorithms will help you.
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